01 May Immune boosting webinars
A couple of announcements – Susie and Madga’s Immune boosting Webinar yesterday was EXCELLENT and we raised £150 for the NHS. The content and feedback has been 100%.
Magda and Susie have very kindly offered to keep running these webinars to help grow the community and in order for us all to keep raising money for the NHS and grow awareness for our community we have set up a link ( see below) to the webinar recording.
If we could please ALL SHARE this link which is live for 1 week (at the moment – as we don’t want people to think it’s always going to be there and therefore not watch it.) This will enable us to raise awareness and funds.
Please put on your social media/ whatspp share via emails – this would be wonderful – much work has gone into this and we are all contributing for the greater good.
Here is the link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/boosting-your-immune-system-healthy-eating-during-c-19-recording-tickets-103063226886