01 Oct A Chia, complex neurological cases children
Our lives changed significantly the day I brought my children to see Susie Rucker. My son has a multitude of complicated medical issues and Susie has helped me through them all. Besides responding to my problems with her amazing knowledge, she also responded with her heart.
I appreciate how deeply she thinks of the best solutions to my problems. She thinks about it even after I leave her office and I know that because she emails me with information and more questions sometimes! I am very heartened to meet a person who firmly holds a strong belief that medical conditions and problems may not necessarily be engraved in stone! Things CAN change… The body CAN change! I have seen so much improvement in the health and well being of my family. Susie has given my family so much hope and for that we are all so grateful!
Thank you Susie! I look forward to walking our healing journey with YOU. You are such a blessing to us!