Working with Susie was one of the best decisions I took for my long term health.  She is able to highlight hidden deficiencies or issues before they become an apparent problem and give invaluable advice on how to improve your symptoms and wellbeing both with lifestyle, diet and supplements. I started my journey with her about a year ago and am thrilled to see considerable improvements in clinical test results no longer am I in auto immune thyroid and free from negative symptoms. Thank you Susie!!

Rowley’s S & L a few weeks ago. On analysing his recent video she expressed that she felt he’s speech has now matched his piers and in her personal opinion is actually better than an average 6 years old.

We have obviously observed his speech sky rocket but to think he has accumulated 4 years of language in 2 years is nothing short of mind blowing. What a fabulous outcome, so heart warming. Thank you for kindness & skill with helping Rowley.

I just wanted to touch base to say since taking the supplements etc, I’ve experienced minimal period cramps. This has been the case for my last two cycles one of which i started and completed a mild IVF cycle with minimal side effects and great results for our frozen embryos.

I just wanted to thank you because my periods have always been so painful. I feel more informed when advocating for my body especially with the fertility consultant. I am now heading for a natural transfer with all that I’ve put in place from your knowledge along with accupuncture support to allow my body and hormones to do what they were made to do.

Susie’s knowledge is phenomenal. Her gentle nature means you never feel judged even when you are explaining a symptom which is so out of character and alien to your child’s normal behaviour.

I took Rowley for his regular ( every 2 months) consultation with his holistic developmental specialist & he was really, really pleased. He thought Rowley’s developmental leap with his language & understanding were astounding. I know he was quite literally blown away with seeing Rowley this afternoon. Which is just the loveliest recognition as Matt & I are being blown away with Rowley’s language everyday.

Thank you for incredible help.
All the best